4M: Dinocodes - AR Floor Puzzle
Bring the ancient dinosaur alive through thetime tunnelThis 16 piece giant floor puzzle includes 6 keycards the unlock amazing ARdinosuar animations. Be sure to make a video of the experience and send it toyour friends via social media, they will...
4M: Unicorn - AR Floor Puzzle
Bring the magic of Unicorns to life!Build a giant colourful puzzles with 3D unicorns and create a magicalwonderland and play scene. Download the free AR UNICORN app, point your deviceat the character or token cards and bring the unicorns to...
True Or False Trivia Game
True Or False Trivia GameA great new game for family nights and parties. Players need to read out thestatements and see if they can tell the difference between real and pretend,truth and lies, fact and fiction. Simple rules, easy to...