Mystery Board Games
MicroMacro: Crime City 2 - Full House (Board Game)
MicroMacro: Crime City 2 – Full House is the ultimate game for aspiringdetectives and armchair sleuths. With a giant city map measuring 75×110cm,you'll scour every nook and cranny of Crime City to solve 16 thrilling cases.Each case is full of twists and turns, with hidden clues and secret trails...
MicroMacro: Crime City 3 - All In (Board Game)
Enter the thrilling world of MicroMacro: Crime City – All In, the newestaddition to the MicroMacro franchise! This time, a new district of theblack-and-white metropolis Crime City has opened up, featuring a huge seamlesscity map that leads to 16 new, more challenging crime cases waiting to besolved by one...
MicroMacro: Crime City Showdown Board Game
Insidious individuals with murderous intentions and greedy thieves stalk thestreets of Crime City, waiting in dark alleys and ambushing the poor citizens.In Crime City there are numerous new crimes just waiting to be solved by you!Team up with your friends to solve tricky criminal cases, identify motives, findevidence, and...
Murder in Tinseltown Board Game
Assess the evidence and find the killer in this crime investigation game! On the set of her latest movie, Hollywood sweetheart Ruby Bloom is found dead.As an LAPD detective, it’s your job to uncover what happened … and yoususpect murder. The starlet certainly had a reputation, and there’s noshortage...
Murder Mystery Party: A Taste for Wine and Murder (Board Game)
Welcome to Murder Mystery Party: A Taste for Wine and Murder, one mystery inthe Murder Mystery Party game series from University Games. This is aninteractive murder mystery party game in which your guests for the eveningbecome characters suspected of the crime in question. The crime must be solvedbefore the...
Murder Mystery Party: Case File - Death by Chefs Knife Board Game
Death by Chef’s Knife is a Murder Mystery Party Case File where playerswork to solve a murder using the case file and evidence provided. Famed chefLorenzo Ritelli has been murdered in his own New York restaurant kitchen. There are many motives, but only one suspect could have pulled off...
Murder Mystery Party: Case File - Mile High Murder Board Game
Marisa Hightower was murdered on an overnight transatlantic flight from SanFrancisco to London. The hunt is on to find a killer and it’s up to you tosolve this mile-high murder. This Case File includes all the evidence you needto solve the murder. Review every clue and piece of evidence...
Murder Mystery Party - Death by Chocolate (Board Game)
It’s April 15, 1900, Easter Sunday, and Paris is the center of theworld’s attention as millions of visitors arrive for the opening of theInternational Exposition this weekend. Amongst them is an elite but diversegroup of individuals staying at the Hotel Paradiso. As they gather for dinner, however, the peace...
Murder Mystery Party: Pasta, Passion & Pistols (Board Game)
At La Speranza, New York City's most popular Italian eatery, restaurateurPepi Roni has been shot in the back with his own pistol. Tonight, his family andfriends will gather to pay their respects to poor Pepi, but one of the guestswon't be shedding any tears. In 1985, University Games introduced...
Mysterium (Board Game)
A horrible crime has been committed on the grounds of Warwick Manor andit's up to the psychic investigators to get to the bottom of it. In Mysterium,one player takes on the role of the ghost and over the course of a week, triesto lead the investigators to their culprit....
Mysterium: Hidden Signs (Board Game Expansion)
New information has come to light in the case of the murder atWarwick's Manor. Hidden Signs, Mysterium's first card expansion, adds evenmore mystery and challenge to the investigation with 78 brand new cards.Suspects have been unveiled, locations revealed and new objects discovered, andthe ghost has even more visions for...
Mysterium Park (Board Game)
Welcome to Mysterium Park! Its cotton candies, its circus and its darksecrets. The former director disappeared, but the investigation came to nothing.Since that night, weird things have happened at the fair. As psychics, playersare convinced that a ghost haunts this carnival. They’re now intent on givingit a chance to...
Mysterium: Secrets & Lies (Board Game Expansion)
Shed new light on the strange events leading up to the ghost's death inSecrets & Lies, the second expansion for the breakout game of 2015,Mysterium. Using their gifts, the psychics' task is to lift the veil on thesetroubling events, using eighteen brand new story cards to provide furthercontext to...
Professor Puzzle Games: Escape from the Movie Studio Card Game
A mini escape room game… Lights, cameras, escape! You're being chased by security on the set of the latest Hollywoodblockbuster. Can you solve the 12 puzzles to get free in this quick-fireadventure game? Features: Suitable for ages 12 years +. For 1+ Players. Estimated game time = 45 minutes....
Professor Puzzle Games: Escape from the Museum
An ordinary trip to the museum turns into chaos when you find yourself lockedin and all alone, after hours! Will you be able to solve the brain-bustingpuzzles, decode the alphabet on an ancient stone tablet and find the key to yourfreedom before your time runs out?
Scooby-Doo! Escape from the Haunted Mansion Board Game
Step into the roles of Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. gang as youwork to solve the mystery in Scooby-Doo: Escape from the HauntedMansion. In Scooby-Doo: Escape from the Haunted Mansion, take on the roles of the teensleuths and their courageous canine pal! Work together to decode your way out...
Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective: The Baker Street Irregulars (Board Game)
In 1880, Sherlock Holmes appointed a group of street children as The BakerStreet Irregulars, his unofficial “police force”. This is their story, andthe story of a particular year that thrusts the Irregulars and the masterdetective into a series of challenging and dangerous events… Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective is a...
Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective: Carlton House & Queen's Park (Board Game)
Welcome to the Carlton House. Enjoy the luxury and solve the murders! Howabout a stroll in beautiful Queen's Park? Beware dogs and the occasionalcrime scene… Return to the streets of Victorian London, but also venture into brand newlocations in the latest installment in the Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detectiveline: Carlton...
Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective: Jack the Ripper and the West End Adventures (Board Game)
Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective: Jack the Ripper and the West End Adventures (Board Game)
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Jack the Ripper & West EndAdventures is a standalone expansion to Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detectivewith updated graphics that features ten more cases to be solved in SherlockHolmes' Victorian-era London, England. A “London Directory”, map, andnewspaper archives are included with the cases. Included are six independent...
The Key: Murder at the Oakdale Club Board Game
A dramatic series of murders has shocked the Oakdale Golf Club – threepeople were killed! The players start their investigations and examine cluesabout the perpetrators, times of the crimes, murder weapons, crime scenes andgetaway vehicles. They need to generate the right number code to put theperpetrators behind bars. In...
The Shivers Board Game
Have you ever wanted to play a pop-up book? Have you been searching for agame that is filled with magic and mystery? Is your gaming group looking forsomething quick and fun without pages and pages of rules? Look no further! The Shivers is a truly one-of-a-kind tabletop experience that...
Top Trumps: Unofficial Guide to 30 Scary Flix - Limited Edition Board Game
Are you ready for the most bloodcurdling Top Trumps experience ever inthe Unofficial Guide to 30 Scary Flix Top Trumps? 30 of the greatest horror movies from across the ages are featured, fromclassic to contemporary, from spooky to gruesome, from big hit to culttreasure! If you like horror, you’ll...
Unfold: Dark Story Board Game
Only a couple of days ago you were the head psychiatrist at a mental healthclinic but everything changed overnight when one of your experiments went southand several patients escaped your clinic placing your experiments in jeopardy.You had to take flight, but you didn’t make it far: you were detained...
UNLOCK! Epic Adventures (Card Game)
Unlock! Epic Adventures is a cooperative card game inspired by escape rooms.Across three new scenarios, players search rooms, combine objects, and solvepuzzles! In The Seventh Screening , players must survive a showing of“The Werewolf’s Final Night.” Then, players will earn the right to learnunder Master Li of the Gold...
UNLOCK! Escape Adventures (Card Game)
UNLOCK! is a series of escape adventures for up to sixplayers. With one hour on the clock, players must work through a deck of sixtycards as a team, searching for clues, combining objects, and solving puzzles.The free UNLOCK! companion app runs the timer while providing clues, offeringhints, and confirming...
UNLOCK! Exotic Adventures (Card Game)
UNLOCK! Exotic Adventures is now available in a big box format that includesthree adventures. In “The Night of the Boogeymen, ” a child’s dreams areinvaded by boogeymen, and players must help to soothe his restless sleep! In“Scheherazade’s Last Tale, ” players need to save Scheherazade from thesultan in this...
UNLOCK! Heroic Adventures (Card Game)
Introducing UNLOCK! Heroic Adventures, a brand new format for UNLOCK! inNorth America. This box includes 3 new Adventures. In Insert Coin, players mustavoid “Game Over” by triumphing over multiple levels of video gameadventures! Then in Sherlock Holmes – The Scarlet Thread of Murder, themaster sleuth is on a very...
Unlock! Mythic Adventures (Card Game)
Unlock! is a series of escape adventures for up to six players. With one houron the clock, players work through a deck of sixty cards as a team, searchingfor clues, combining objects, and solving puzzles. The free Unlock! companionapp runs the timer while also providing clues, offering hints, and...
UNLOCK! Secret Adventures (Card Game)
UNLOCK! Secret Adventures is now available in a big box format that includes3 Adventures. The tricky Professor Noside returns in “A Noside Story,” theconinuation of the carton-style adventure; platers must once again stop hisplans before it's too late. Players will hope aboard a locomotive adventure inthe western themed “Tombstone...
Unlock! Star Wars Escape Game
A COOPERATIVE CARD GAME INSPIRED BY ESCAPE ROOMS: Unlock!captures the exhilarating, heart-pounding excitement of a physical escape roomadventure without leaving the tabletop. With one hour on the clock, players workthrough a deck of 60 cards to solve puzzles. Once the team enters the correctcode into the companion app, they...
Unsolved Case Files: Avery & Zoey Gardner (Board Game)
DAVENPORT, OR – At 4:23 this morning, a man broke into a remote lakehouse where 19 year-old twins Avery and Zoey Gardner were asleep. Theunidentified man murdered Avery and abducted Zoey before first responders couldarrive. Police departments across two states are hunting for Avery’s killerand her twin sister Zoey,...
Whitehall Mystery (Board Game)
October 1888: During the construction of the Metropolitan Police headquartersnear Whitehall, which would later be known as Scotland Yard, the remains of abody were found. In September, a severed arm had already been discovered in themuddy shore of the River Thames. There is another murderer roaming the streets of...
Witness: On The Trail of the Chameleon Board Game
Enjoy the thrill of a good mystery? Ready to test your mettle against acriminal mastermind who always appears to be one step ahead? Do you have exactlythree other players excited to solve crimes together? Welcome to a new edition of Witness, the cooperative deduction game for fourplayers designed by...
Witness: The Sigma Club Board Game
Enjoy the thrill of a good mystery? Ready to test your mettle against acriminal mastermind who always appears to be one step ahead? Do you have exactlythree other players excited to solve crimes together? Welcome to a new edition of Witness, the cooperative deduction game for fourplayers designed by...
Witness: The Treasure of Othesis Board Game
Enjoy the thrill of a good mystery? Ready to test your mettle against acriminal mastermind who always appears to be one step ahead? Do you have exactlythree other players excited to solve crimes together? Welcome to a new edition of Witness, the cooperative deduction game for fourplayers designed by...
5 Minute Mystery: The Museum Of Everything Board Game
The MacGuffin is missing! You only have 5 minutes to search for clues, findthe culprit and crack the case! 5-Minute Mystery is a high-intensity, deductive, mystery game in whichplayers work together to find a culprit hidden in a line-up of suspects. From the author of 5 minutes Dungeon Very...
50 Clues: Maria - Part 3 of 3 Board Game
Years ago, a dead boy mysteriously disappeared after a bomb blast, leavingonly traces of blood at the scene. Now, promising clues have shown up, but noteveryone wants you to find the boy. “Keepers of Evil” is the third part ofthe Maria trilogy.
Chronicles of Crime: 1900 (Board Game)
“You are Victor Lavel, a young ambitious journalist working for a majornewspaper. It's the year 1900, the middle of the Belle Époque, and Parisflourishes. There are so many stories to cover, the Exposition Universelle, theSummer Olympics, the opening of the first metro station, but as a Lavel, afamily famous...
Chronicles of Crime: 2400 Board Game
It is the year 2400 and you are Kalia Lavel. You once dreamed offighting crime as a highly trained cyber-agent, but it quickly became obviousthat the corp you worked for only cared about their bottom line. So you quit andleft the privileges of the elite BelCor forces behind. Now,...
Chronicles of Crime (Board Game)
Chronicles of Crime: London Forensic Unit is a cooperative game ofcrime investigation, mixing VR experience and board gaming Chronicles of Crime: London Forensic Unit is a cooperative game of criminalinvestigation mixing board games, an app and a touch of Virtual Reality. You andyour team will be put on crime...
Clue: Escape The Illusionists Club Board Game
When a famous magician goes missing, the heat is on to find her! AdelaideSable is performing her Mirror Walk illusion, when the theater fills with smokeand a scream rings out. Sable has vanished! Now players must escape the magicclub and solve the mystery in the Clue Escape: The Illusionist’s...
Cluedo - Batman Edition Board Game
Discover who kidnapped Commissioner Gordon in BatmanCluedo. Police Commissioner Gordon has been kidnapped whilst investigating corruptionin the Gotham City Police Department. It is your job as Batman to locate whereCommissioner Gordon is being held, who is responsible for his kidnapping andwhich Bat Gadget was stolen and used to abduct...
$65.59 $81.99
Cluedo - Dragon Ball Z Edition Board Game
The time is now! In Dragon Ball Z Cluedo, Goku and his allies must piecetogether the clues and hatch a Plan to stop a hidden enemy from capturing one ofthe prized Dragon Balls. Taking on the roles of six of the most popular heroes from Dragon Ball Z,players will...
$68.79 $86.99
Cluedo - Dungeons & Dragons Edition Board Game
In Dungeons & Dragons Cluedo, it’s up to you to determine WHO hasbeen replaced by a devil in disguise, WHAT weapon was used in the execution, andWHERE in the Forgotten Realms the Infernal Puzzle Box could be hidden. Join Reya Mantlemorn, Falastar Fisk, Sylvira Savikas, Minsc & Boo, Luluand...
Cluedo - Scooby-Doo Edition Board Game
Mrs White is experiencing a spell of abductions at her Haunted Mansion inScooby-Doo Cluedo! In distress over this troubling situation, Mrs White has invited Scooby-Doo andthe gang over to investigate. Always up for an exciting mystery, the friends dress up as their favouriteCluedo game characters, and get right to...
Cluedo - The Classic Mystery Game
Reclusive millionaire Samuel Black’s been murdered in his mansion. Nowit’s up to you to crack the case. Question everything to unravel the mystery.Who did it? Where? And with what weapon? Ransack the mansion for clues, askcunning detective questions and leave no card unturned. Solve the murder firstto win! Become...
Cluedo - Treachery at Tudor Mansion Board Game
The classic Cluedo story in an escape roomboard game! You're a guest at Mr. Boddy's mansion when suddenly you hear a shriek, thelights go out and you find Mr. Boddy dead! You and your fellow players are thenput to the ultimate test: Work together to escape the mansion, as...
Cold Case: A Pinch of Murder (Board Game)
In 1983, Harold Green, a sweet old man adored in his community, planned toattend his church’s annual summer fair in Melmbury, England. When he nevershowed up, a casual search led to the discovery of his dead body. The murder wasnever solved. In Cold Case: A Pinch of Murder, YOU...
Cold Case: A Story to Die For (Board Game)
In 1988, Andy Bailey, a 23-year-old investigative reporter, was foundshot to death in the small town of Camdale, England. Despite their best efforts, the police never found his murderer. In ColdCase: A Story to Die For, YOU investigate the cold case of Andy Bailey andattempt to solve the crime....
Cold Case - Murder with Interest (Board Game)
Immerse Yourself in a Cold Case Mystery! In the Cold Case series, you have been summoned to investigate the unsolvedcases of victims murdered decades ago, piecing together the details that thepolice could never find. Inside the box, you will find realistic materialspertaining to the crime, and a complex story...