Axis & Allies: Europe 1940 - Second Edition Board Game
Axis & Allies: Europe 1940 - Second Edition Board Game
The Avalon Hill Axis & Allies – Europe 1940 board game builds on thesuccess of the acclaimed A&A Anniversary Edition. It's a stand-alone gamethat can also combine with Axis & Allies Pacific 1940. (Sold separately.Subject to availability.) It includes over 550 combat forces, local storageboxes, and an oversized board...


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    Axis & Allies: Pacific 1940 Second Edition Board Game
    Axis & Allies: Pacific 1940 Second Edition Board Game
    Decide the fate of a nation and the destiny of the world! The Avalon HillAxis & Allies Pacific 1940 board game is a stand-alone game that can alsocombine with the Axis & Allies Europe 1940 game. (Sold separately. Subjectto availability.) It includes over 450 playing pieces, deluxe game components,local...


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      Caesar! Seize Rome in 20 Minutes! (Board Game)
      Caesar! Seize Rome in 20 Minutes! (Board Game)
      The Roman Republic is coming to an end, but not before a power strugglebetween Caesar and Pompey. Players will command their legions, strategicallydeploying them to key battlegrounds to try and seize control of the provincesand become the ruler of the republic. The Dice Tower Seal of Approval is a...


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        Chu Han Board Game
        Chu Han Board Game
        Chu Han is a two-player card game of dynastic intrigue set in ancient Chinabefore and during the Chu-Han Contention, 206–202 BCE. Two clans, the Han and Chu, vie to supplant the weak Qin ruler and forgeChina's first true dynasty. Historically, the Chu began in a stronger position,but the Han...


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          Dune: A Game of Conquest & Diplomacy
          Dune: A Game of Conquest & Diplomacy
          Dune: A Game of Conquest and Diplomacy is the ultimate gaming experience forfans of the classic Dune game, with 40 years of development, refinement, andevolution behind it. This is not a simple reskin of the original game, but alovingly updated version with new streamlined rules, a beautiful new game...


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            Memoir '44: Equipment Pack (Board Game Expansion)
            Memoir '44: Equipment Pack (Board Game Expansion)
            Welcome to the Memoir '44 Equipment Pack, the largest set of figures everreleased for Memoir '44. On D-Day, the Allied forces unleashed over 150,000 menand thousands of tons of equipment along the coast of Normandy. 68 years laterDays of Wonder has introduced this major expansion to the Memoir '44...


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              Memoir '44: Terrain Pack (Board Game Expansion)
              Memoir '44: Terrain Pack (Board Game Expansion)
              From the sand dunes of North Africa to the mountain passes of Northern Italy;from the Pripet Marshes of Southern Belarus to the high ground surroundingOperation Market Garden. Prior to WWII, never before in history had a conflictbeen fought by so many men over such vast expanses of land and...


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                Risk (Board Game)
                Risk (Board Game)
                Take over the world in this game of strategy conquest, now with updatedfigures and improved Mission cards. In the Risk game, the goal is simple:players aim to conquer their enemies' territories by building an army, movingtheir troops in, and engaging in battle. Depending on the roll of the dice,...


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                  Risk - Game of Thrones (Board Game)
                  Risk - Game of Thrones (Board Game)
                  Join the epic battle for the seven kingdoms and beyond in this specialedition of Risk, the game of strategic conquest. Game of Thrones fans will adore this beautifully crafted deluxe war game,with 2 boards so you can play in Westeros and Esso and 7 armies including theLannisters, Baratheons, Targaryens...


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                    Root (Board Game)
                    Root (Board Game)
                    Root is a game of adventure and war in which 2 to 4 (6 with the‘Riverfolk’ expansion) players battle for control of a vast wilderness. The nefarious Marquise de Cat has seized the great woodland, intent onharvesting its riches. Under her rule, the many creatures of the forest havebanded...


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                      Root: Marauder Hirelings Pack & Hireling Box Board Game
                      Root: Marauder Hirelings Pack & Hireling Box Board Game
                      Need allies? Here they are, fiery and fierce. Discover unique strategies andmake the Woodland wilder by adding hirelings. Best with fewer players, greatwith more! Hirelings can be added to games at any player count. With fewer players, thehirelings add new pieces to the map, ramping up the tension and...


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                        Root: Riverfolk Hirelings Pack Board Game
                        Root: Riverfolk Hirelings Pack Board Game
                        Need allies? Come row downstream! Discover unique strategies and make theWoodland wilder by adding hirelings. Best with fewer players, greatwith more! This product contains six new hirelings: Riverfolk Flotilla and Otter Divers Warm Sun Prophets and Lizard Envoys Highway Bandits and Bandit Gangs Hirelings can be added to games...


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                          Root: The Clockwork Board Game Expansion
                          Root: The Clockwork Board Game Expansion
                          The Clockwork Expansion allows players to square off against four fiendishlyautomated factions that can be used in solo, competitive orcooperative games. The Clockwork Expansion contains automated versions of all four factions fromthe base game of Root: the Mechanical Marquise 2.0, Electrical Eyrie, AutomatedAlliance, and Vagabot. This expansion is fully...


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                            Root: The Exiles and Partisans Deck Board Game
                            Root: The Exiles and Partisans Deck Board Game
                            Mix things up with an alternative deck of cards. This deck replaces the olddeck and contains a fresh roster of special powers for players to craft, manybased on the factions themselves. Frustrated by the WoodlandAlliance's gu­errilla tactics? Develop the ability to fight in the shadowsyourself! But, be careful, many...


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                              Root: The Marauder Board Game Expansion
                              Root: The Marauder Board Game Expansion
                              The Marauder Expansion introduces two new factions to the Woodland—the Lordof the Hundreds and Keepers in Iron—alongside four hirelings and a new setupdraft suitable for both casual and competitive play. Lord of the Hundreds: Oppress the Woodland and burn it tothe ground if need be. You suffer no dissent....


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                                Root: The Underworld Board Game Expansion
                                Root: The Underworld Board Game Expansion
                                A new expansion pack for Root: A Woodland Game of Might and Right. Thispack provides two new asymmetric factions to mix and match with current Rootcontent for new player dynamics, as well as two new maps with newmap-specific rules. THE MOLES “The Great Underground Duchy” – An ancient kingdom...


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                                  Stratego: Original (Board Game)
                                  Stratego: Original (Board Game)
                                  Two armies clash …. who will be victorious? Stratego is the classic game ofbattlefield strategy that has sold over 20 million copies worldwide. For over50 years, Stratego has thrilled strategy game fans by inspiring them tochallenge an opponent and attempt to lead their army to victory. Two playerscommand Napoleonic...


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                                    Tetrarchia - 2nd Edition Board Game
                                    Tetrarchia - 2nd Edition Board Game
                                    By the end of the III century the Roman Empire is doomed. Enemies surroundthe borders, instability spreads over the provinces, and whenever a RomanEmperor fights a threat, usurpers take his place in Rome. The Emperor Diocletianonly sees one revolutionary way out: share the power with Maximian, Constantiusand Galerius, forming...


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                                      The Walking Dead - All Out War Collectors Edition (2024) Board Game
                                      The Walking Dead - All Out War Collectors Edition (2024) Board Game
                                      The Walking Dead: All Out War is a miniatures game that allows you torecreate the struggle for survival in a lawless new world. Groups of Survivorsmust face each other in a desperate fight for resources, all the while tryingnot to attract the attention of roaming packs of Walkers. The...


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                                        Undaunted: Normandy (Board Game)
                                        Undaunted: Normandy (Board Game)
                                        June 1944. Through the D-Day landings, the Allies have seized a foothold onthe beaches of Normandy. Now you must lead your troops forward as you pushdeeper into France and drive the German forces back. You will face intenseresistance, machine-gun fire, and mortar bombardment, but a great commander canturn the...


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                                          Undaunted: Stalingrad (Board Game)
                                          Undaunted: Stalingrad (Board Game)
                                          Stalingrad, 1942. Before you awaits a grueling conflict in this cornerstonebattleground. As the bullets and bombs tear the city asunder, only through witsand valor can you seize the cornerstone of the entire Eastern Front and changethe course of history. A heavy burden rests on your shoulders. Every casualty suffered...


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