LEGO Minecraft: Woodland Mansion Fighting Ring - (21272)
LEGO Minecraft: Woodland Mansion Fighting Ring - (21272)
Woodland Mansion collectible Minecraft movie playset The Woodland Mansion Fighting Ring (21272) set is a high-quality building toyfor kids. It makes a great Minecraft gaming gift for boys and girls and fans ofthe Minecraft movie aged 10 and up. The LEGO Minecraft building set features toy figures from the...


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    LEGO Minecraft: The Wolf Stronghold - (21261)
    LEGO Minecraft: The Wolf Stronghold - (21261)
    A fortress playset with wolves, skeletons andcrafting toys Kids with a passion for action and adventure playsets, fortress toys andMinecraft characters can enjoy all this and more in LEGO Minecraft The WolfStronghold (21261). This Minecraft wolf gift for kids aged 8 and over is ahands-on video game toy and...


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      LEGO Minecraft: The Turtle Beach House - (21254)
      LEGO Minecraft: The Turtle Beach House - (21254)
      This LEGO® Minecraft® turtle house-building toy for kids comes withMinecraft characters and fun features to inspire creativity, action andanimal fun. This model house shaped like a Minecraft® turtle is packed inside and outwith Minecraft action and animal fun. With 3 iconic characters and a coolstructure to build, the LEGO®...


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        LEGO Minecraft: The Trial Chamber - (21271)
        LEGO Minecraft: The Trial Chamber - (21271)
        LEGO Minecraft treasure-hunting toy gift for kids The Trial Chamber (21271) is a high-quality LEGO Minecraft toy for kids aged8 and over. This building toy for boys and girls is a hands-on video game setthat takes kids on a thrilling treasure hunt where players must battle mobs anddodge missiles...


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          LEGO Minecraft: The Nether Portal Ambush - (21255)
          LEGO Minecraft: The Nether Portal Ambush - (21255)
          LEGO® Minecraft® role-play toy set in the Nether with iconic mobsto battle. Action-packed gift for gamers. Bring the hugely popular Minecraft® game to life with this action-packedNether portal toy. LEGO® Minecraft The Nether Portal Ambush (21255) toy setgives players endless build-and-play adventures featuring an iconic cast ofMinecraft mobs. Kids...


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            LEGO Minecraft: The Mooshroom House - (21270)
            LEGO Minecraft: The Mooshroom House - (21270)
            LEGO Minecraft The Mooshroom House with gamingaccessories The LEGO Minecraft Mooshroom House toy (21270) is perfect for Minecraftplayers and kids who love crafting homes, tending to animals and fending off theoccasional air attack! This engaging playset is an excellent Minecraft gift forgirls and boys aged 8 and over. Set...


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              LEGO Minecraft: The Ghast Balloon Village Attack - (21273)
              LEGO Minecraft: The Ghast Balloon Village Attack - (21273)
              Gaming gift with balloon action from theMinecraft movie The Ghast Balloon Village Attack (21273) is a video game building set basedon a scene from the Minecraft movie. This high-quality LEGO Minecraft toy forkids features explosive action when an attack is launched from a balloon, makingthis video game LEGO set...


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                LEGO Minecraft: The Illager Desert Patrol - (21267)
                LEGO Minecraft: The Illager Desert Patrol - (21267)
                Big LEGO Minecraft action from a smalldesert-outpost set There’s big fun for Minecraft players in this small LEGO set for kids aged7 and over. With 4 LEGO Minecraft figures, fun features and authenticaccessories, The Illager Desert Patrol (21267) is a mini toy with mega Minecraftaction. Set in a Minecraft...


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                  LEGO Minecraft: The Frog House - (21256)
                  LEGO Minecraft: The Frog House - (21256)
                  Fans of Minecraft® action and the game’s iconic Frogs will lovebuilding the Frog House and battling a Zombie and a Drowned in the swampoutside. This LEGO® Minecraft® toy house is shaped like a Frog and comes withfigures of popular characters from the game. LEGO Minecraft The Frog House(21256) is...


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                    LEGO Minecraft: The Cherry Blossom Garden - (21260)
                    LEGO Minecraft: The Cherry Blossom Garden - (21260)
                    Nature, animals and zombies in The Cherry BlossomGarden toy The Cherry Blossom Garden (21260) is a hands-on video gaming toy and thefirst LEGO set to include figures and features from the Minecraft Cherry Blossombiome. It makes a great gift for players of the Minecraft video game and kidsaged 8...


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                      LEGO Minecraft: The Baby Pig House - (21268)
                      LEGO Minecraft: The Baby Pig House - (21268)
                      LEGO Minecraft farmstead, with animals, crops anda zombie The Baby Pig House (21268) is the ideal toy for Minecraft players with apassion for home-building, animals and farms. This hands-on Minecraft toy forgirls and boys makes a great birthday, Christmas or any-day gaming gift for kidsaged 7 and over. Set...


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                        LEGO Minecraft: The Armadillo Mine Expedition - (21269)
                        LEGO Minecraft: The Armadillo Mine Expedition - (21269)
                        Mining adventures with LEGO Minecraft armadillos The Armadillo Mine Expedition (21269) toy lets Minecraft players get hands-onwith the popular video game. With cool characters and fun features, this LEGOMinecraft toy is a thrilling gaming set packed with imaginative playpossibilities for kids aged 8 and over. Set in the game’s...


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                          LEGO Minecraft: The Animal Sanctuary - (21253)
                          LEGO Minecraft: The Animal Sanctuary - (21253)
                          Kids can care for baby animals or use the LEGO® Minecraft® EfeMinifigure to role-play gaming action in this hands-on building toyfor kids. LEGO® Minecraft® The Animal Sanctuary (21253) is a versatile brick-buildinggift idea for gamers and kids. The toy includes 6 Minecraft animals for girlsand boys aged 7+ to...


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