3000 Scoundrels (Card Game)
“The Traveler brought much change to our small frontier town in thelast five years. He showed us marvels beyond imagination and taught us how touse his strange machines. Now that the Traveler has vanished, a storm is coming.Who will control...
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Jungle Speed (Card Game)
In Jungle Speed, you must rely on your keen sense of observation and quickreflexes. It requires a steady hand – which can be hard to maintain duringthe many fits of maniacal laughter! Each player is dealt a hand of cards....
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Queen's Gambit Board Game
In The Queen’s Gambit: The Game, you compete with other players to claimpieces – and points – from the board. Each turn, you can move your“Gambit” like a different chess piece. But you’ll have to plan ahead likeBeth if you...
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Superstore 3000 Board Game
Welcome to SUPERSTORE 3000, the retro-futuristic mall building game where youmust build the tallest and most incredible mall to satisfy as many customers aspossible.In SUPERSTORE 3000, each player builds their own mall by placing shop tilesand being the first to...
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