Top Trumps Quiz: The Lord of the Rings Board Game

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One does not simply answer all 500 questions in TOP TRUMPS QUIZ: Lord of theRings correctly on the first try! Give your sword-arm a rest and test yourcunning and intellect with this tgame, which covers all three Lord of theRings films.

Think you can remember the name of the second chapter of Bilbo’s book, orthe threeword order Théoden delivers at Helm’s Deep? Stock up on Lembas,because you’re in for quite a journey. Each card contains high-qualityphotography and stills from the movies, and categories cover characters,locations, creatures and the world and history of Middle Earth.

Know the name of the statue on the River Anduin? Remember which city liesbetween the Mountains of Mordor and Minas Tirith? Then it’s time to gatheryour very own Fellowship and assemble a quiz night to remember.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us –and this Lord of the Rings quiz is sure to make Frodo and Gandalf proud.

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Top Trumps Quiz: The Lord of the Rings Board Game

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