Paleo (Board Game)

A Cooperative Adventure Game by Peter Rustemeyer

Z-Man Games
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Spiel des Jahres 2021 Connoisseurs' Game of the Year

Work together to survive and complete your cave painting in this prehistoricco-op adventure.

A 10,000 BCE Adventure
Return to the stone age in a new cooperative adventure! Paleo is a survivalstrategy game for 2–4 players, who form a tribe of people working together toexplore their surroundings and undertake the ultimate paleolithic quest:completing a cave painting. Each player begins the game with a couple of humans,each of whom have a skill and a number of life points. On your turn, you’llsend them out to explore. While you can guess what you might find there—food,crafting materials, extra help on your mission—you never know what dangers mayawait you out in the wild. Be careful not to collect too many skull tokens andlose the game before you can cement your legacy!

A Mammoth Achievement
At the end of each day, you’ll need enough food and resources to keep yourpeople alive and on track to complete your final masterpiece. Once you’vecollected all 5 victory tokens and added them to your cave painting, allplayers immediately win the game! Paleo includes 10 unique modules to vary thepeople, locations, and quests you’ll encounter in your co-op adventures. Mixand match different modules to increase or decrease the game’s difficulty, ortry one of several included rules variants, including a solo mode. Can yousurvive the wilds of the Stone Age?

222 Cards, 40 Wood Tokens, 98 Cardboard Tokens, 3 Boards, 1 Graveyard,1 Workbench, 2 Dice, 1 Rulebook, 1 Supplement

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