Four Gardens (Board Game)

Board Game

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Long ago, in a beautiful Eastern kingdom, a queen and her people pleasedtheir Gods by building a mystical pagoda. The pagoda housed the four Gods andtowered strong over the magnificent kingdom. As time passed, the queen fell ill,and she summoned her people to compete for her crown. The crown would be passedon to the person who could build the most pristine garden around the pagoda. Theheir would be chosen by the four Gods themselves.

The goal of Four Gardens is to accumulate the most points on the score boardby completing landscape cards and finishing sets. Each finished set creates apanoramic view of a garden, and these sets are called (no surprise)“panoramas”.

Players can finish panoramas by first laying groundwork cards, acquiringresources by turning the 3D pagoda, and allocating those resources to satisfythe requirements of each groundwork card. Once satisfied, a groundwork cardbecomes a landscape card. Multiple landscape cards laid in the correct ordercreate a panorama. Each God has their own satisfaction meter which expressestheir goodwill towards the gardens and their builders. Players try to please theGods by completing landscape cards and finishing panoramas.

The Dice Tower Seal of Excellence is a trademark of The Dice Tower,LLC and is used with permission.

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Four Gardens (Board Game)

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