Particula: GoCube - 3x3 Edge
Particula: GoCube – 3×3 EdgeGoCube is a smart app-enabled cube that connects to your phone/tablet andtracks your moves in real time. Finally, everyone CAN do the cube! Learntogether how to solve it in a fun and interactive way, play games...
Particula: GoDice - D20 Connected Board Game
Particula: GoDice – D20 ConnectedThe D20 Connected, is the first smart and connected RPG die. Finally! Yourultimate choice for your next online adventure.Connect your GoDice D20 to your favorite online platform, toss the die, andget instant automatic results. Enjoy the...
Particula: GoDice - Play (Full Pack) Board Game
Particula: GoDice – Play (Full Pack)A set of six smart connected dice. The dice seamlessly connect to a freecompanion app, turning your tablet or phone into interactive board game. Unlockthe magical world of many of your favorite and new dice...
Particula: Rubik’s - Connected Pro Board Game
Particula: Rubik’s – ConnectedRubik’s Connected is a reimagined and redesigned Rubik’s version forthe 21st century. This app-enabled speed Cube, equipped with advancedsensors – connects through Bluetooth 4.1 to the companionRubik’s Connected app, and adds so much fun and value to...