Piano Potato
Crystal Growing Terrarium Kit
Crystal Growing Terrarium Kit Crystal growing lab toys are exciting and educational kits designed tointroduce children and hobbyists to the captivating science of crystallography.Each kit includes all the essentials needed to grow your own stunning crystalsat home, such as crystal-growing chemicals, molds or containers, andstep-by-step instructions. As users mix...
Dig & Discover: Crocodile Dig Kit
Dig & Discover: Crocodile Dig Kit Step into the world of palaeontology with our high-quality Dinosaur BonesSkeleton Dig Kit. This exciting educational toy offers children the opportunityto uncover the mysteries of the past through hands-on excavation. With our digkit, young explorers can embark on a thrilling journey to unearth...
Dig & Discover: Diplodocus Dig Kit
Dig & Discover: Diplodocus Dig Kit Step into the world of palaeontology with our high-quality Dinosaur BonesSkeleton Dig Kit. This exciting educational toy offers children the opportunityto uncover the mysteries of the past through hands-on excavation. With our digkit, young explorers can embark on a thrilling journey to unearth...
Dig & Discover: Mammoth Dig Kit
Dig & Discover: Mammoth Dig Kit Step into the world of palaeontology with our high-quality Dinosaur BonesSkeleton Dig Kit. This exciting educational toy offers children the opportunityto uncover the mysteries of the past through hands-on excavation. With our digkit, young explorers can embark on a thrilling journey to unearth...
Dig & Discover: Pliosaurus Dig Kit
Dig & Discover: Pliosaurus Dig Kit Step into the world of palaeontology with our high-quality Dinosaur BonesSkeleton Dig Kit. This exciting educational toy offers children the opportunityto uncover the mysteries of the past through hands-on excavation. With our digkit, young explorers can embark on a thrilling journey to unearth...
Dig & Discover: Pterosaur Dig Kit
Dig & Discover: Pterosaur Dig Kit Step into the world of palaeontology with our high-quality Dinosaur BonesSkeleton Dig Kit. This exciting educational toy offers children the opportunityto uncover the mysteries of the past through hands-on excavation. With our digkit, young explorers can embark on a thrilling journey to unearth...
Dig & Discover: Smilidon (Saber-Tooth Tiger) Dig Kit
Dig & Discover: Smilidon (Saber-Tooth Tiger)Dig Kit Step into the world of palaeontology with our high-quality Dinosaur BonesSkeleton Dig Kit. This exciting educational toy offers children the opportunityto uncover the mysteries of the past through hands-on excavation. With our digkit, young explorers can embark on a thrilling journey to...
Dig & Discover: Tyrannosaurus Dig Kit
Dig & Discover: Tyrannosaurus Dig Kit Step into the world of palaeontology with our high-quality Dinosaur BonesSkeleton Dig Kit. This exciting educational toy offers children the opportunityto uncover the mysteries of the past through hands-on excavation. With our digkit, young explorers can embark on a thrilling journey to unearth...
Dig & Discover: Velociraptor Dig Kit
Dig & Discover: Velociraptor Dig Kit Step into the world of palaeontology with our high-quality Dinosaur BonesSkeleton Dig Kit. This exciting educational toy offers children the opportunityto uncover the mysteries of the past through hands-on excavation. With our digkit, young explorers can embark on a thrilling journey to unearth...
Heidi Walker: Candle Making Kit
Heidi Walker: Candle Making Kit This Candle Making Kit is designed so you can create 5 colorful and fragrantcandles Contents: 1 bag candle wax; 5 candle molds; 3 pigments; 1 bag rose buds; 2 fragrance droppers; 1 measuring cup; 5 wicks; 2 craft sticks with hole; 1 step by...
Heidi Walker: Make Your Own Desk Set
Heidi Walker: Make Your Own Desk Set The Make Your Own Desk Set is a creative and practical kit designed forcrafting personalized and functional desk accessories. Perfect for kids andadults, this kit combines creativity with organization, allowing users to designand assemble their own customized desk set. Contents: 2 erasers...
Planet Explore: Mars Dig Kit
Planet Explore: Mars Dig Kit Chip, dig and brush away at the model of planet Mars to reveal the hiddengems inside. A fun excavation kit with lots of opportunity to learn and discussinteresting facts about Mars. According to NASA, Mars – the fourth planet from the Sun – is...