Baby Einstein
Baby Einstein - Basic Teether Book
Baby Einstein – Basic Teether Book Give baby a real taste of adventure with the Curious Explorers baby book.This story-turned-teething-toy follows Baby Einstein characters through theirexcursions around town using real life imagery. The soft book is easy for baby to hold and discover with hard corners madefor teething. The...
Baby Einstein - Magic Touch Drum
You’ll be listening to Mozart in the making as your baby plays andexperiments with Baby Einstein and Hape’s Magic Touch Drums Tap each of Baby Einstein’s friends to play a different note, and magictouch technology means there are no buttons needed! Baby toys that make musicwill encourage your rock...
Baby Einstein - Magic Touch Mini Piano
Baby Einstein Hape Magic Touch Mini Piano Let baby discover the magic of music with the Magic Touch Mini Piano fromBaby Einstein. This classic wooden toy is infused with Magic Touch technologyjust a simple tap from baby will surprise them with sound! With two modes ofplay, the tiny instrument...
Baby Einstein: 4 in 1 Activity Walker
Baby Einstein: 4 in 1 Activity Walker Remix playtime with a musical activity center that encouragesself-expression. The Musical Mix 'N Roll 4-in-1 Activity Walker from BabyEinstein grows with your baby from sit to stand to dance and discover! Features: Each of the 4 modes will captivate your baby for...
Baby Einstein: 4-in-1 Kickin' Tunes Music and Language Discovery Activity Play Gym
Baby Einstein: 4-in-1 Kickin' Tunes Music and Language DiscoveryActivity Play Gym Orchestrate the perfect playtime for baby with the 4-in-1 Kickin' Tunes™Music and Language Discovery Gym. Your baby’s musical genius will stretchfrom her head to her toes when it comes to this play gym. Thanks to Magic Touchtechnology, she...
Baby Einstein: Airplane Adventure 2 in 1 Activity Jumper
Baby Einstein: Airplane Adventure 2 in1 Activity Jumper Set baby’s course for discovery with the Baby Einstein Ocean ExplorersAirplane Adventure, a 2-in-1 activity jumper that lets baby pilot the plane toa multi-sensory adventure with 20+ melodies, sounds, lights, an adjustable seatwith 4 height positions that rotates 360 degrees, and...
Baby Einstein: Cal’s Sensory Shake-up Activity Rattle
Baby Einstein: Cal’s Sensory Shake-upActivity Rattle The Baby Einstein Cal’s Sensory Shake-up Activity Rattle is amulti-sensory toy designed to engage baby in sensory play and encouragedevelopmental milestones. 5 sensory features let baby explore new textures,build fine motor skills, and stimulate cause and effect learning with thisBPA-free toy. Baby will...
Baby Einstein: Curiosity Table Activity Station
Baby Einstein: Curiosity Table Activity Station Draw out your child’s naturally curious spirit with BabyEinstein’s Curiosity Table. From removable, spinning gears tocolor-discovery circuits and flashing lights, the two-sided art and sciencetable will capture your little one’s attention for hours. Watch as the gearsconnect to make the light bulb turn...
Baby Einstein: Curious Car Neptune Oball Toy Car & Rattle
Baby Einstein: Curious Car Neptune Oball Toy Car& Rattle Drive baby’s sensory discovery with the Baby Einstein Curious Car NeptuneOball Toy Car & Rattle. This light up toy car features dancing lights and aflexible frame to let baby easily grip and roll this colorful toy. Featuring Neptune the Turtle...
Baby Einstein: Curious Car Zen Oball Toy Car & Rattle
Baby Einstein: Curious Car Zen Oball Toy Car& Rattle Drive baby’s sensory discovery with the Baby Einstein Curious Car ZenOball Toy Car & Rattle. This light up toy car features dancing lights and aflexible frame to let baby easily grip and roll this colorful toy. Featuring Zenthe Zebra from...
Baby Einstein: Discovering Music Activity Table
Baby can discover melodies, learning and a world of fun in thisfeature-packed activity table The light up piano has two modes, melodies mode and discovery mode. Baby canfree-play piano, learn colors in 3 languages, as well as activate 5 classicalmelodies. The drum station counts from 1 to 5 in...
Baby Einstein: Explore & Discover Soft Blocks
Baby Einstein: Explore & Discover Soft Blocks Great minds start little. The Baby Einstein™ Explore & Discover SoftBlocks are a 4-block set that are perfect for little hands to discover andexplore! Each block features a different activity and real-life imagery. Features: The shapes block features multi-textured fabric, the colour...
Baby Einstein: Hape Colour Camera
Baby Einstein: Hape Colour Camera Colour learning is a snap with the Baby Einstein + Hape Learning Lens ToyCamera. Two interactive features engage baby in pretend play and colour learningand hone cause and effect and fine motor skills with every press and twist.Twist the camera’s lens to put colour...
Baby Einstein: Hape Counting Cash Register
Baby Einstein: Hape Counting Cash Register Help baby learn real-world concepts like foods and numbers with the BabyEinstein + Hape Magic Touch Cash Register. Featuring FSC-certified wood, thiscolorful play register rewards baby with lights, music, cash register sounds,and phrases. Includes a scanner, credit card, and 3 coins to help...
Baby Einstein: Magic Touch - Curiosity Tablet
Baby Einstein: Magic Touch – Curiosity Tablet From colours and numbers to first words in three different languages, thistablet toy is a tool that encourages development of fine motor skills with everypress of a tile. Baby Einstein buddies will introduce your little one to 150+melodies and sounds to help...
Baby Einstein: Magic Touch Piano Musical Toy
With the delicate touch of her little fingers, Baby Einstein andHape's Magic Touch Piano will let baby create thousands of different songs.Made from wood, this piano toy features magic touch technology – no buttonsor keys needed! Two modes of play give your toddler the ability to make her ownmusic...
Baby Einstein: Neptunes Discovery Reef Play Gym & Take-Along Toy Bar
Baby Einstein: Neptunes Discovery Reef Play Gym & Take-AlongToy Bar From tummy time to lay and play, sitting up and beyond,Neptune’s Discovery Reef™ Play Gym & Take-Along Toy Bar offers hours ofplay and learning for infants. Features: Featuring a unique 3-in-1 design, the detachable toy bar and playmat growwith...
Baby Einstein: Neptunes Kick & Explore Musical Kick Pad & Crib Toy
Baby Einstein: Neptunes Kick & Explore Musical Kick Pad &Crib Toy Baby will get a kick out of musical discovery with Baby Einstein OceanExplorers Neptune’s Kick & Explore Musical Kick Pad & Crib Toy, asoft, unisex musical toy that helps baby explore melodies, create originalsongs, and learn letters, numbers,...
Baby Einstein: Ocean Explorers Kick to It Neptune Musical Bouncer
Baby Einstein: Ocean Explorers Kick to It Neptune MusicalBouncer The Baby Einstein Ocean Explorers Kick to It Neptune Musical Bouncer rewardsbaby’s movements and exploration with lights, music, and ocean sounds. InBaby-Activated Mode, baby’s kicks trigger lights and music to engage andsupport cause-and-effect learning. Features: Parent-Activated Mode plays 15 continuous...
Baby Einstein: Ocean Explorers Maritime Melodies Musical Toy
Baby Einstein: Ocean Explorers Maritime MelodiesMusical Toy Explore engaging lights and music with the Baby Einstein Ocean ExplorersMaritime Melodies Musical Toy. This small handheld music player entertains babyat home or on-the-go with every press. Boost cause and effect learning as baby presses the play button to hear6 melodies, and...
Baby Einstein: Ocean Explorers Pop & Glow Starfish Sensory Activity Toy
Baby Einstein: Ocean Explorers Pop & Glow Starfish SensoryActivity Toy Take cause and effect learning and sensory skills for a spin with the BabyEinstein Ocean Explorers Pop & Glow Starfish Suction Cup Toy. This engagingtoy features 5 bubble poppers to build baby’s fine motor skills, and astrong suction cup...
Baby Einstein: Ocean Glow Sensory Shaker
Baby Einstein: Ocean Glow Sensory Shaker Discover the rattle that delights all your baby’s senses. The jollyjellyfish responds to your baby’s movements and rewards their curiosity witha color-changing light show and classical melodies. Encourage baby’s tactiledevelopment with textured rope “tentacles.” Made just for little hands tograsp, the Baby Einstein...
Baby Einstein: Opuss Stack & Stream Sensory Stacking Cups
Baby Einstein: Opuss Stack & Stream SensoryStacking Cups Help baby build new discoveries with the Baby Einstein Ocean ExplorersOpus’s Stack & Stream Sensory Stacking Cups, a 5-piece set of nestingcups and accessories that engage baby in sensory play and promote cause andeffect and fine motor skills. Features: Designed to...
Baby Einstein: Opus’s Ocean of Discovery Tummy Time Water Mat
Baby Einstein: Opus’s Ocean of Discovery Tummy TimeWater Mat Under the sea exploration is at your baby’s fingertips withOpus’s Ocean of Discovery™ Tummy Time Water Mat, featuring BabyEinstein’s Opus the Octopus. Simply fill the center of the play mat withwater and blow up the outer rim with air. During...
Baby Einstein: Sea Floor Explorers 2 in 1 Water Mat Play Gym
Baby Einstein: Sea Floor Explorers 2 in 1 Water MatPlay Gym Sensory development with a splash of fun! With the Sea Floor Explorers™2-in-1 Water Mat Play Gym, excite your baby’s senses and promote curiosityand exploration. With 4 modes perfect for tummy time, lay and play, seatedactivities, or even highchair...
Baby Einstein: Shell Phone Musical Toy Telephone
Baby Einstein: Shell Phone Musical ToyTelephone Explore the sights and sounds of the sea with the Baby Einstein OceanExplorers Shell Phone, a musical toy telephone that engages baby with lights andsounds for discovery at home or on the go. Features: Baby can press a button to play melodies, hear...
Baby Einstein: Sky Explorers Walker
Baby Einstein: Sky Explorers Walker Up, up and away! With help from Baby Einstein and friends, your little pilotwill soar from room to room. Three adjustable height positions means histippy-toes will be able to find their footing even as he grows as high asthe sky. Features: Lights, songs and...
Baby Einstein: Star Bright Symphony
Baby Einstein: Star Bright Symphony The Baby Einstein Star Bright Symphony will keep baby happily busy at home oron-the-go. Plush star-sections and a happy, flashing face will entertain babywith dancing lights, bright colors and 6 classical melodies. Features: There are 2 modes: parent mode plays continuous melodies and lighteffects...
Baby Einstein: Sticky Spinner
From mealtime to travel time, your baby will be utterly captivated byBaby Einstein's Sticky Spinner toy. As this table toy spins and swirls, the brightly colored loops will whip up avisually stimulating experience. See baby focus as he curiously watches theinner-ball and loops spin in opposite directions. Those colorful...
Baby Einstein: Tiny Tempo Musical Toy Drum
Baby Einstein: Tiny Tempo Musical Toy Drum Help baby explore music with the Baby Einstein Tiny Tempo Musical Drum Toy.This lightweight, portable drum features 21 real instrument sounds,6 classical songs, and a 2-ring, bead chaser to help encourage musicalexploration, cause and effect learning, and fine motor skills. Features: With...