Schleich - Camping Accessories
Schleich - Camping Accessories
With the Schleich Horse Club camping accessories, a trip into nature becomesa terrific experience for the Horse Club friends. The roomy tent can be set upin no time, and the comfy sleeping bag is rolled out with great anticipation.The cute toy horse is allowed in the sleeping bag and...

$19.00 $25.99

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    Schleich - Caracal Female
    Schleich - Caracal Female
    Schleich – Caracal Female The pretty female Caracal stalks through the steppe on her long legs. She isprobably looking for food for herself and her young. She tracks down her preyquickly, because she can hear the slightest rustle in the bushes. No wonder: Herlong brush ears work like fine...

    $8.00 $9.99

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      Schleich: Carnotaurus
      Schleich: Carnotaurus
      The Carnotaurus was a typical carnivorous dinosaur. It walked onpowerful hind legs and had a mouth full of sharp, long teeth. The Carnotaurus is a meat-eating predator from the Late Cretaceous. It livedabout 70 million years ago. The only skeleton ever found of it was dug up inArgentina. The...


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        Schleich - Ceratosaurus
        Schleich - Ceratosaurus
        The Ceratosaurus from Schleich® DINOSAURS has three prominent bumpson its head. Blade-shaped teeth line its movable jaw. The Ceratosaurus from Schleich® DINOSAURS was a carnivorous dinosaur thatlived around 150 million years ago in the Late Jurassic period. Two bumps atthe eyes and a large horn on the nose were...

        $23.00 $30.99

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          Schleich: Concavenator
          Schleich: Concavenator
          At an impressive six meters in length, the Concavenator is animposing figure. The lizard's skin shines grass-green and yellow. On its back it has anelongated hump, which stands out from the rest of the body in red. With itsstriking appearance, it keeps enemies at bay. If that's not enough,...

          $22.00 $25.99

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            Schleich - Cowgirl Barrel Racing Fun
            Schleich - Cowgirl Barrel Racing Fun
            Schleich – Cowgirl Barrel Racing Fun Barrel racing is the exhilarating rodeo sport that puts the wind in yourhair…let's ride! The Cowgirl Barrel Racing Fun playset puts you in the saddlewith a toy Appaloosa Stallion, a cowgirl figurine, 3 barrels, plus a Westernsaddle, bridle, and harness. Grip those reins,...


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              Schleich - Dimwitty Smurf
              Schleich - Dimwitty Smurf
              Schleich – Dimwitty Smurf What did you say? Dimwitty Smurf must have misunderstood something again! Heneeds a little longer and very clear instructions for everything he does.It's not that he's stupid, he just needs an extra minute to figure things out.Who can help him out? Features: Hand Painted &...


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                Schleich - Dromedary Camel
                Schleich - Dromedary Camel
                The dromedary from Schleich® Wild Life has, like in nature, just onehump. It is also known as a one-humped camel Dromedaries live in the deserts of Africa and Asia. They eat mostly leaves,dry grass, and thorny plants. The hump of the mammal isn’t used to storewater; it stores fat....

                $10.00 $12.99

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                  Schleich - Elementa Fire Unicorn Stallion
                  Schleich - Elementa Fire Unicorn Stallion
                  Schleich – Elementa Fire Unicorn Stallion An orange-tinged coat as warm as the rising sun. A mane like wind-sweptflames. Fire-flecked fetlocks to match a blazing spirit. The Elementa FireUnicorn Stallion is a white-hot addition to the schleich® unicorn toycollection. In a fast gallop, the proud Elementa Fire Unicorn stallion...

                  $32.00 $37.99

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                    Schleich: English Thoroughbred Mare
                    Schleich: English Thoroughbred Mare
                    All English Thoroughbreds can be traced back to three Arab stallionsborn between 1680 and 1724. All English Thoroughbreds can be traced back to three Arab stallions bornbetween 1680 and 1724. Other breeds are often crossed with EnglishThoroughbreds to make them more elegant. English Thoroughbreds were particularlyinfluential on the development...


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                      Schleich: Farm World Starter Set
                      Schleich: Farm World Starter Set
                      Cows moo differently in different regions, imitating the dialects of thefarmers in their own unique way. The first animals have arrived on the farm andfound a nice place in the stalls. In order to ensure that they develop properlyand that their numbers increase, the farmer only gives them the...

                      $52.00 $62.99

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                        Schleich - Farmer Smurf
                        Schleich - Farmer Smurf
                        Schleich – Farmer Smurf Oh dear Smurf! That's what our farmer Smurf from schleich® THE SMURFS™calls out loudly when his harvest turns out to be just as successful as he hadhoped when sowing the seeds. And it's the same every year. A perfect gift foryour birthday party in the...

                        $8.00 $9.99

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                          Schleich: Feeding the Forest Animals
                          Schleich: Feeding the Forest Animals
                          The animals in the forest are happy as can be, because they canalways find something to eat in the feeding trough. There's something for everyone: the Red Deer Doe and her calf are happyabout the food pellets, but they both also enjoy crunchy carrots. The shyhedgehog also likes to...

                          $42.00 $49.99

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                            Schleich - Flamingo
                            Schleich - Flamingo
                            In water, flamingos usually stand on one leg so that both feet don'tget cold. Pink? Purple? No, definitely pink! That’s what color of the Flamingo fromSchleich® WILD LIFE. At first, before it is fully grown, the feathers are stillgray. Then they turn this chewing gum pink from the shrimp...


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                              Schleich: French Bulldog
                              Schleich: French Bulldog
                              French bulldogs are lapdogs with body and soul. French bulldogs are lapdogs with body and soul. They love nothing better thanbeing stroked for hours on end. They are very even-tempered and keep their calmeven in highly chaotic situations. But that’s not the only reason why Frenchbulldogs are such popular...

                              $7.00 $8.99

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                                Schleich: Galloway Calf
                                Schleich: Galloway Calf
                                The little Galloway Calf looks a bit lost as it stretches its blacksnout into the air. It can't really be cold, because its thick curls keep it warm out in thepasture all year round. Maybe it is hungry? The little Galloway Calf probablywants to drink some milk. So where...


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                                  Schleich - Gastonia
                                  Schleich - Gastonia
                                  Schleich – Gastonia Who would have guessed, the Gastonia is a herbivore and wouldn’t hurt a fly,even though it looks fearsome with the large spines on its back and long tail.This dinosaur, which belongs to the avian dinosaur family (that meansbird-like), only pretends to be dangerous. Instead of getting...

                                  $29.00 $39.99

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                                    Schleich - German Riding Pony Mare
                                    Schleich - German Riding Pony Mare
                                    The German Riding Pony Mare from Schleich® Horse Club is an eleganttournament pony with a beautifully braided mane. The German Riding Pony Mare from Schleich® Horse Club has a beautifulchestnut coat. The braids in her mane are held together with cute, small ties.These are a special eye-catcher at tournaments....

                                    $12.00 $13.99

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                                      Schleich: Giraffe Calf
                                      Schleich: Giraffe Calf
                                      Newborn baby giraffes are already 180 centimetres tall – as bigas a grown man. Baby giraffes are reared together with other young animals in a kind ofkindergarten. A female giraffe from the herd acts as the “nursery schoolteacher” and looks after the calves while the other mothers search for...


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                                        Schleich: Giraffe Male
                                        Schleich: Giraffe Male
                                        When two giraffe bulls fight, they beat their heads against the otherone's neck. Giraffe bulls are so large, they can put their head through the window of thesecond floor of a building and say “hello”. Their tongue is up to50 centimetres long, is desensitised to prickly leaves, and has...

                                        $11.00 $13.99

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                                          Showing 101-120 of 103

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