Raccoon Tycoon (Board Game)

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Raccoon Tycoon The new strategy game taking the UK and USby storm!

Astoria is a land bustling with productivity and growth. New towns,factories, and railroads are springing up across the land. A few savvy businesstycoons (you and your opponents) are determined to make their fortunes on thecrest of this wave. These Tycoons start out as the producers of the keycommodities: wheat to feed the growing towns and factories, wood and iron tobuild them, coal to fuel the trains and factories, and manufactured goods andluxuries to fill the insatiable demand of the animals of Astoria. Cornering themarket for the most valuable commodities can create small fortunes that can beinvested in the new businesses, turning them into huge fortunes. The sky is thelimit during this Gilded Age!

In Racoon Tycoon, players try to produce the most valuable commodities in anever changing marketplace. They then use those commodities to build towns, orsell them at the best price to secure great profits that can be used to winauctions for the all-important railroads. The profits may also be used to buypowerful buildings that give the players power-ups or bonuses in production.Owning the best towns and railroads determines victory. There can be only one‘top dog’ in Astoria. Is it you?

Raccoon Tycoon is the highly acclaimed new strategy game fromForbidden Games.

“Easily in my top five commodity games of all time” – TomVasel, Dice Tower – Seal of Approval

“Raccoon Tycoon is the economic gateway game of the modern board gameera. This game screams instant classic!” – Board Game Spotlight

Contents: Game board, 24 Railroad Cards, 150 CommodityTokens, 16 Town Cards, 54 Price/Production Cards, 27 Building Tiles, Money,Start Player Token and Instructions

The Dice Tower Seal of Approval is a trademark of The Dice Tower, LLCand is used with permission.

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Raccoon Tycoon (Board Game)

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