Unsolved Case Files: Avery & Zoey Gardner (Board Game)

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DAVENPORT, OR – At 4:23 this morning, a man broke into a remote lakehouse where 19 year-old twins Avery and Zoey Gardner were asleep. Theunidentified man murdered Avery and abducted Zoey before first responders couldarrive.

Police departments across two states are hunting for Avery’s killerand her twin sister Zoey, but neither has been found.

Homicide detective, Angie Cullen, made a breakthrough in the case butthen mysteriously disappeared. She left her detective’s no­tebook behind butauthorities aren’t sure what to make of it.

The killer is on the loose. Can you solve the case and get to Zoey, and alsofind the detective, before it’s too late?

Solve the 3 objectives to determine who is innocent and who is guilty.

Look through all evidence, except the bonus envelopes. Go to the websitelocated on the inside front panel of the folder to determine your firstobjective.

After reading the case, players will solve 3 objectives to move through thecase. Solutions to objectives can be checked on the online answer key. Playerswill be given more evidence online after solving each objective. If you arestuck the online answer key can also offer hints. Once players feel they knowwho did it based on the evidence they check their solution on the onlineanswer key.

Once all three objectives have been solved and you have the evidence toconvict the killer, you’ve won!

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Unsolved Case Files: Avery & Zoey Gardner (Board Game)

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