Mysterium (Board Game)

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A horrible crime has been committed on the grounds of Warwick Manor andit's up to the psychic investigators to get to the bottom of it. In Mysterium,one player takes on the role of the ghost and over the course of a week, triesto lead the investigators to their culprit. Each night the team will be met withvisions, but what is the ghost trying to tell you? Can the psychics determinethe weapon, location and killer or will a violent criminal pull off the perfectmurder? Contents: 6 Intuition tokens, 6 sleeves, 6 clairvoyance levelmarkers, 36 clairvoyance tokens, clock board, 4 progress boards, 18 characterpsychic cards, 18 location psychic cards, 18 object psychic cards, sand timer,18 character ghost cards, 18 location ghost cards, 18 object ghost, 6 ghosttokens, 84 vision cards, 6 culprit tokens, 3 crow markers, clairvoyancetrack; rulebook. In the 1920's, Mr. MacDowell, a gifted astrologist, entered inhis new house when he immediately detected a supernatural being. Gatheringeminent mediums of his time for an extraordinary séance, they will have7 hours to contact the ghost and investigate to unlock an old mystery. Unableto talk, the amnesic ghost will communicate with the mediums through visions(illustrated cards). They will have to decipher the images to help the ghostremember how he was murdered (who? where? which weapon?). The more theycooperate and guess, well, the easier it will be to the catch the right culprit.This party game is one of the most anticipated games, thanks to innovative,thrilling and immersive features. It offers cooperation and investigation withan asymmetrical gameplay. While playing the ghost or a medium, you will have funtrying to guess what other players have in their minds! So enter in this strangemanor and let yourself be led by your intuition.

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