My First Stone Age (Board Game)

Z-Man Games
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Imagine life in the Stone Age while building your very own primitivesettlement!

Return to the dawn of civilization in this version of Stone Age designed foryounger gamers. With My First Stone Age, The whole family can experience lifethrough the eyes of Stone Age children Jono and Jada and their friend Martin themammoth. Retaining the core gameplay of Stone Age while streamlining the rulesfor a quicker playtime, My First Stone Age engages the imagination and takes youon a journey back in time.

Explore the Stone Age
The Stone Age was very different from the modern world. In My First Stone Age,players experience this period 10,000 years ago through the eyes of two StoneAge children, Jono and Jada, along with their friend Martin the mammoth. Learnabout life at the dawn of humanity while gathering and trading valuableresources such as berries, fish, pots, arrowheads, and animal teeth. If youcollect the required resources, you can build a hut and add it to yoursettlement. Your best friend and loyal wolfhound, Guff, might even drop by tohelp. The first player to build three huts wins the game!

Back in Time
My First Stone Age is based on the classic family game Stone Age. Thisstand-alone game combines elements of memory, resource gathering, and setcollecting games into an experience accessible to players age five and up.Players take actions based on the forest tokens they flip over each turn. But assoon as a hut is built, you flip those tokens back over and swap two of them.Pay careful attention and put your memory to the test as you search for thetokens that will lead you to the best resources. Enter the world of the StoneAge, develop your village, and let your imagination take you back to a time ofwonder and fun!

Rulebook, 1 Game Board, 4 Settlements, 4 Player Markers (blue, yellow, green,pink), 4 Player Figures (blue, yellow, green, pink), 20 Goods (4 each ofberry, fish, pot, arrowhead, tooth), 15 Hut Tokens, 2 Dog Tokens, 14 ForestTokens (6 dice, 5 goods, 1 trading post, 1 dog, 1 building site)

The Dice Tower Seal of Approval is a trademark of The Dice Tower, LLCand is used with permission.

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Product Details
Product Code: 28252986
Barcode: 681706712659
Publisher/Brand: Z-Man Games
Categories: All, Best Selling, Board Games & Puzzles, Boost All, Children's Board Games, New Arrivals, Primary School Age , Toys On Sale

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